Artist Statement

I have recently been working with a combination of crochet and felt to create 3-dimensional objects as opposed to just flat fabrics. Throughout this project, the adaptable qualities of the felt and crochet, and the almost sculptural forms which I have created are what have been important to me. 

My inspiration comes from organic structures and naturally occurring patterns, such as the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence. This whole project has stemmed from the utilisation of repetition and the multiplication of simple shapes inspired by nature, particularly coral and marine life. 

When packed closely together, each little pod takes on a rough, polygonal outline, like the hexagonal cells of a beehive or Favites Coral. Comparisons could be made across nature, but due to the simple and uncontrived nature of their design, the pods do not resemble any one thing in particular. I like to think that they are something in their own right. 

The use of soft, neutral tones and the material help create a real, tangible and organic feel. Each pod is similar, yet unique and together they form a single pattern, a quiet unity. I chose grey to create a dark interior of an uncertain depth, into which can’t easily be seen. Upon inspection, you almost expect some strange creature to creep out of the holes, yet from some angles you can’t quite tell if the holes are there at all or if it is just a trick of the eye. 

I know that I have only just “scratched the surface” with the art of felting and would love to develop my skills further and improve my method and techniques in felted sculpture.